ESSC Working Section

Honorary President: Miss Deirdre Matthews  

Chairman: Mr Peter Lubbi     

Vice Chair: Mrs Indira Helsby     

Treasurer: Mrs Karen Marek     

Secretary: Mrs Lesley Lubbi, Layash, 2 Celia Crescent, Ashford, Middlesex TW15 3NW     

Phone : 01784 258334        Email : info@esscworkingsection.co.uk 

    Committee:  Mrs Wendy Ashby, Mr Matthew Burdett, Mrs Rhoda Burdett, Mrs Trisha Harding and Mrs Margaret Wildsmith


We are a section of the English Shetland Sheepdog Club that caters for the working activities. The section covers the whole area of the club and our aim is to promote and encourage all the working aspects of the Shetland Sheepdog and try to combine the beauty and the brains.

The English Shetland Sheepdog Club gave permission to Rosemary and Tony Seys to form the Working Section in 1970. Their idea was to raise the profile of the working Sheltie thus combining their beauty and brains, while retaining essential Sheltie traits. Rosemary has also written a book about the History of the Working Shetland Sheepdog.

The Working Section caters for Sheltie owners who are interested in Agility, Obedience, Rally, Heelwork to Music and Working Trials, or just having fun with their Shelties. As we are countrywide, we are not a specific training club. We produce a bi-annual magazine called 'Sheltie at Work', and hold training days for Rally, Obedience, Agility and Heelwork to Music which are restricted to Shelties, with trainers chosen for their understanding approach to the training of Shelties.

In previous years the Section held Limited Obedience classes at the ESSC Spring Open and Autumn Championship shows with the breed ring side by side with the Obedience ring, just as Rosemary and Tony envisaged many years ago.  From 2019 the ESSC will be running the Obedience at the Championship show themselves, as the Working Section will no longer be involved.

In the 70’s the Working Section's strong point was Obedience, even gaining some Obedience Champions over the years. Agility has become increasingly popular with our members and we are notching up many Sheltie Agility Champions too. We also hold an annual Agility Show. Recently Rally has become very popular and there are also other disciplines, old and new, in which our members participate, such as Working Trials, Nosework, and Heelwork to Music. We are extremely lucky with our members as they support and encourage any member just starting out or old hand in any discipline that they work. You only have to witness this at any event, there are lots of Sheltie supporters in the crowd, and why ever not when you can watch this wonderful breed working. We encourage all our members young and old to take part or come along and watch our activities, but first and foremost have fun and enjoy your dog.

"Sheltie at Work"

We produce for our members a bi-annual magazine called 'Sheltie at Work', which usually comes out in April and October. This magazine has information about the section. It also has results of any shows our members have entered, as well as all the information about any forthcoming activities, and articles on training and other interesting items. But most importantly it contains news about our members, the things that they are up to with their Shelties and their achievements throughout the year. So if you have any news or articles please contact the editor Trisha Harding saw@esscworkingsection.co.uk.  Please remember to e-mail the Secretary with all of your achievements in the coming year for inclusion in the "Working News Update" in SAW (contact details below.)

If you would like to receive the 'Sheltie at Work' please download the application form here  Sheltie At Work Application Form or contact our Secretary on 01784 258334 or  info@esscworkingsection.co.uk.

Samples of 'Sheltie at Work'  

Previous issues of 'Sheltie at Work' can be found in the Archives.

"Sheltie Camp"


For many years the Section held an annual weekend training camp, where people could camp or just attend daily.  We held training sessions for Agility, Good Citizens, Grooming Demonstration, Heelwork to Music, Obedience and Working Trials nosework, as well as this being a social get-together and an opportunity to meet other Sheltie owners. Members were also able to take their Good Citizens tests at the camp.

Due to lack of interest shown in the 2014 Camp, it was with regret that the Committee decided that the Section will no longer run the Sheltie Camp training weekend. This decision was very difficult to make and not taken lightly, as so many families and their Shelties have had so much fun over the years that it has been held. But times change and members require different things now. That is not to say this decision is set in stone, and cannot be altered if required.

Here are the results of the KC Good Citizen Tests held at the last Camp    2014

Previous years' results can be found in the Archives